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American scholar on Carter's promotion of establishment of U.S.-China diplomatic relations
www.jxnews.com.cn   2025-01-10 18:34:01    来源:HomeNewsEcns  编辑:黄文静    作者:

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      Jimmy Carter, who served as the 39th president of the United States from 1977 to 1981, died on Dec. 29, 2024, at the age of 100. Among Carter's many diplomatic achievements during his presidency, perhaps the most notable was promoting the establishment of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China.

      Recalling former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, Bruce Reynolds, a professor emeritus from the University of Virginia (UVA), told China News Network that Carter is a man of morality, intelligence. He is well-trained with committed attitude throughout his career. Besides, he is a man believed in facts and analysis.

      Reynolds further pointed out that Carter is committed to making peace all his life and he is persisted in doing right things. He added that it is Carter's courage that makes the establishment of the diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China possible, In the eyes of Carter making peace represents doing right things . (Xue Lingqiao)

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